20 January 2021

An Ode To My Events Industry

Our precious events industry has taken severe knocks in the past year and events as we knew and loved them are no more with many professionals waiting in the wings to start working in the industry they love again.

I can’t lie, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster the past year working in events with a lot of anger, frustration and sadness seeing friends, colleagues, venues and organisations suffer and fall. There is a deep feeling that this could have been avoided with better guidance and leadership, which make the emotions even more raw, but sadly we are where we are and we have to try and regain some semblance of our industry from the ashes.

What comforts me is the power and magic of events. There is no feeling like it – being with your group of people, sharing an experience in that exact moment and celebrating the emotions that go with that. I talk a lot about making memories and events do just that. When you think back to your happiest of times, I bet events feature highly. It’s that sense of occasion, celebration, togetherness and euphoria that is so powerful and so hugely memorable.

I have no doubt in my mind that the events industry will be back stronger than ever as soon as allowed, but there will always be a sadness about those that didn’t make it. I hope more than anything they reincarnate into something bigger and better. We are all seeing an almost chomping-at-the-bit desire to connect and be together from both private and corporate worlds and gone is the need for physical things and their once grave importance, replaced with the desire to be with those we cherish.

Even though the ever-present pandemic has been uncategorically rough on most of us, the glimmer of positivity for me has been people’s realisation of their need for others and their need to experience, laugh, sing, dance and just be together. We were in fear of the perceived need for things replacing what really matters – connection, and I cannot wait to organise amazing events for people to be together. It’s going to be emotional!

Have an event in mind? Call Lucy on 07989 229 984

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