7 January 2021

Virtual Events Don’t Have To Be One Dimensional

The world of the virtual event doesn’t look to be going anywhere soon so as events professionals, we are fully embracing them and looking at how to make them the best they can be.

Even though when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, a virtual event is often a person on their own staring at a computer, however it can be much more than that if in the right hands. Imagine if I said to you that going to a music festival is really only a person stood in a muddy field listening to some music that’s happening far away, and they can’t really see where it’s coming from – sounds a bit rubbish doesn’t it?!

What is missing is the magic and the emotions that those experiences conjure up and online events are just the same. Yes, it is tough to think it’s just you, yourself and I staring at a square box but how many of us have completely lost ourselves in a great film or TV series and sat and laughed, cried, cowered in horror because of what we’re seeing, hearing and, most importantly, feeling?

In the virtual technology world at the moment, there is a lot of development into sensory events and how the corporate world, in particular, can add another layer or dimension to their offer to engage their audiences. There is technology that can make the viewer feel that someone is really with them through sound and that they are transported to a virtual reality that is believable and impactful. Definitely powerful stuff.

For us at Lucy Claire Events, we are passionate about that personal touch and how we can marry up touch points to deliver a fantastic experience. So, for example, as well as a great virtual event, there would have been great insight and research beforehand into who the people are taking part in the event and asking is there anything we can send them beforehand to act as a physical prop or gift to enhance their experience?

Also, when on the event, how can we make it as interactive as possible. We hosted a number of Around The World events before Christmas which everybody loved as it got them out of their seats, trying to find things at home and having that interactive element rather than just sat there staring at a screen the whole time. It got people’s energy and concentration levels up as well as made them laugh, which made for really memorable events. By doing your research and really knowing the audience, you can make an event bespoke, personal and memorable.

Of course, the most up to date technology would be wonderful, but it comes at a hefty price, so it’s up to us to draw on our years of experience and expertise to bring the magic and add those personal touches which I am proud to say we do.

If you are looking to motivate your team, say thank you or connect – we’d love to hear from you.

Have an event in mind? Call Lucy on 07989 229 984

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