19 July 2020

Why Balance Equals Success

Last year was a wake-up call for me – as I approached burnout, I knew something had to change and fast and change it has. Now I put my health and well-being top and business has grown because of it.  

Working in the events industry is a brilliant career and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but there is no doubt about it, it’s bloody stressful. In fact, being an event manager was recently named as the 5th most stressful job there is: the hours, the preparation, the last-minute changes, the client vision verses deliverable reality all have to be managed, thought about and executed to a very high standard. Now, don’t get me wrong, I thrive off the energy of a live event and work well under pressure but what I learnt last year is that doing that continuously over a long period of time is definitely not good for me, or anyone for that matter. 

The word burnout was a little alien to me. I associated it with high flying suits who were jetting all around the world fueled by caffeine and late-night meetings, not someone like me who ran my own wonderful business and was happy most of the time doing so. 

But with a few personal issues thrown in, the pressure of my day-to-day got too much and the dreaded burnout was approaching. Luckily, I managed to slam on the breaks before it got too bad, but it was a scary place to be.  

After getting some rest, giving myself some time off and – vitally – some thinking time, I am back better than ever but with a big old learning under my belt: to look after myself and treat myself as one of my clients with the care and respect I deserve.  

I know so many business owners who put themselves and their self-care at the bottom of the list, yet their clients are flying. This, I now know, helps no one as if you’re not in a good place, you are not delivering good work, end of.  

My work/life balance is in a lot healthier state these days, with the word balance being critical here. I have also introduced retreats and health and wellbeing events into my offer and I am hugely enjoying organising and delivering them.   

One of the ways I switch off is going grouse counting with my dogs – I love it! Yes, that’s right – counting grouse! I get to spend days walking the grouse moors of northern England and Scotland working my English setter, with a few like-minded friends, counting grouse. I’ll be going up next week to Lancashire for the summer brood counts and can’t wait. When I’m up on the moor with the stunning views and my dogs I am in my element; it’s all I have – and can – think about and it’s perfect. Finding something to do that makes me focus on just one thing and switch my brain off for a bit is hugely helpful for me. 

With the stresses of the current times in the events world it is imperative that us event managers look after out mental health. Emotions and stresses have been high due to the uncertainties and this is why support and community is so important in this industry. In terms of my offering, health and wellbeing is a big factor here too. I recently organised a retreat in Tuscany for a corporate client and I am busy planning a number of health and wellbeing events for both private and corporate clients. With the new measures in place, these events are more personal than ever, and I am really enjoying adding that bespoke touch.  

Have an event in mind? Call Lucy on 07989 229 984

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