28 June 2021

Magic Touches

A lot of people are planning in-person events for the rest of the year, making up for lost time and missed celebrations. If you are organising an event, either private or corporate, there are a few magic touches you can do to ensure that it’s a great success that I’d like to share with you. Do let me know if they help. 

Give your guests as much information as you can 

For some people, your event might be their first one after the past year so, understandably, there might be a few nerves involved. As the organiser, you can make this person feel so much more at ease by making sure your communication is on point. This can be sending out clear directions and what safety measures you have put in place before the event, ensuring that the venue is clearly sign posted and that there are clear areas for coats, bags etc. Doing this work can really help put someone at ease. If you are hosting an event where people may not know each other, perhaps a little guest list sent out beforehand wouldn’t go amiss so people know who to expect and can have a think about who they would like to chat to. 

Make sure everyone is welcomed on arrival 

This sounds basic, but it is so important. First impressions are everything and you want people to feel welcome immediately. A good idea is to have either yourself or someone in your team stationed at the entry point to greet people as they arrive, direct them where they need to be and ensure each person is met with a smile. It is often a good idea to have drinks stationed here too to welcome them! 

Think about your colour scheme 

Like great brands, great events work well with a colour scheme so in the planning stages do think of this as this will inform your decoration choice. If it is a business event, what are the brand colours that are hosting it? or if it’s a private event, what is the venue like and the overall ambience you would like to create? Having a well thought out colour scheme can really make a difference as well as making for some great snaps! 

 Have a focal point for the event 

If you can, it’s good to have a centrepiece for the event – like gathering around to cut the cake or making that speech or listening to that performance. This gives people a focal point that they know is coming and can hang around for. 

Know what you want out of your event 

If your event is a biggy, do you want people to shout about it? Do you want people to post on social media about how much of a great time they’re having? If so, do you have a hashtag you want them to use, or even better, a specific area where they can pose for pictures? Make this super clear pre and during your event. 

Think about final impressions 

This is one that doesn’t get the attention it deserves at times, but it is so important. For many of us, we chat about the event on the way home, so your final impression is one that can stay with you and help formulate your opinion. As the organiser you need to think about people’s final experiences. Are you giving them something to leave with? Are you seeing your guests out and thanking them for coming? Is there a follow-up promised? Put yourself into their shoes and ask yourself what would make you have a lasting positive impression. 


Have an event in mind? Call Lucy on 07989 229 984

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